- 取消:指停止或终止某件已经安排或计划好的事情,使其不再发生或进行。例如:
- I had to cancel my appointment with the doctor.(我不得不取消与医生的预约。)
- The flight was canceled due to bad weather.(由于恶劣天气,航班被取消了。)
- 抵消:指使某事物失去效力、价值或作用,通常是因为有相反或相等的因素存在。例如:
- The positive and negative charges cancel each other out.(正电荷和负电荷相互抵消。)
- His good behavior didn’t cancel out his earlier mistakes.(他良好的行为并没有抵消他之前的错误。)
- 注销:指正式撤销或废除某事物的效力、权利或资格等。例如:
- The bank canceled my credit card.(银行注销了我的信用卡。)
- The driver’s license was canceled for reckless driving.(由于鲁莽驾驶,驾照被注销了。)
- 取消:指取消的行为或过程。例如:
- The cancel of the event caused a lot of inconvenience.(这次活动的取消造成了很多不便。)
- 取消活动:
- 取消订阅:
- I want to cancel my subscription to the monthly magazine. I don’t have time to read it anymore.(我想取消我订阅的月刊杂志。我没时间看了。)
- You can easily cancel your gym membership online if you don’t plan to use it anymore.(如果你不打算再使用健身房会员卡,你可以很容易地在网上取消。)
- 取消会议:
- The manager canceled the meeting scheduled for this afternoon.(经理取消了今天下午安排的会议。)
- Due to the client’s unavailability, we had to cancel the business negotiation.(由于客户无法出席,我们不得不取消商务谈判。)
- 取消订单:
- The customer canceled the order because the product was out of stock.(由于产品缺货,顾客取消了订单。)
- If you cancel the order within 24 hours, you will get a full refund.(如果你在24小时内取消订单,你会得到全额退款。)
- 数学中的抵消:
- In the equation, the +3 and -3 cancel each other out, leaving us with a simpler expression.(在这个方程中,+3和-3相互抵消,使我们得到一个更简单的表达式。)
- The positive and negative terms in the series cancel out, resulting in a sum of zero.(这个数列中的正项和负项相互抵消,结果总和为零。)
- 物理学中的力的抵消:
- When two equal and opposite forces act on an object, they cancel each other out, and the object remains at rest.(当两个大小相等、方向相反的力作用于一个物体时,它们相互抵消,物体保持静止。)
- 取消交易:
- The stock exchange allows traders to cancel their orders before they are executed.(证券交易所允许交易者在订单执行前取消订单。)
- The bank may cancel a loan agreement if the borrower fails to make payments on time.(如果借款人未能按时还款,银行可能会取消贷款协议。)
- 注销支票:
- The check was canceled because it was postdated.(这张支票被注销了,因为它被注明了未来的日期。)
- After cashing the check, the bank will cancel it to prevent it from being used again.(银行在兑现支票后会将其注销,以防止它再次被使用。)
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