
知识问答1个月前发布 学习导航
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  1. 学习
    • 表示通过阅读、听讲、实践等方式获取知识或技能。例如:
      • I am learning to play the piano.(我正在学习弹钢琴。)
      • She learns a new language every year.(她每年学习一门新语言。)
  2. 了解
    • 表示通过经验或观察获得信息或理解。例如:
      • I learned that he was leaving tomorrow.(我了解到他明天要离开。)
      • We learned a lot about the local culture during our trip.(在旅行中,我们了解了很多当地的文化。)
  3. 记住
    • 表示通过重复或练习记住信息。例如:
      • You need to learn these formulas by heart.(你需要记住这些公式。)
      • She learned the poem in one day.(她在一天内记住了这首诗。)
  4. 学会
    • 表示通过实践或经验掌握某种技能或行为。例如:
      • He learned to swim when he was five.(他五岁的时候学会了游泳。)
      • The dog learned to sit on command.(这只狗学会了按命令坐下。)
  5. 教育
    • 在某些情况下,可以表示教育或训练某人。例如:
      • The teacher learned the students how to write essays.(老师教学生如何写作文。)


  • I learned a lot from that experience.(我从那次经历中学到了很多。)
  • He had learnt to drive before he moved to the city.(他搬来这座城市之前就已经学会了开车。)


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